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The easy & fun way to learn German

Lernen zu begleiten ist meine Mission und das Schaffen

von wirklich sinnvollen Lernmaterialien (Lerninfos, Übungspapiere, Projektpakete, Erklärfilme etc.) meine Passion.

Die jahrzehntelange Arbeit als Contenteditorin

unterstützt meine Kreativität.  


Mein Contentmotto lautet

kurz, knackig und konkret!

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Anlauttabelle A4.jpg


There are special phonemes in German which are not common in other languages. 

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Short rule explanations

come with daily-life examples. 

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What are your strengths?

What kind of learntyp are you?

What are your biggest challenges?

What do you need really?

Together we create

your individual German course with fun!

Neon Spheres


What happens in Germany?

What is different to your culture? 

All content is up-to-date and gives you an insight view in German culture & daily life. 

Neon Spheres
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